Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm needy.

You know what I don't understand? Why the term, 'needy' is used negatively. You never hear someone use the say 'in need' or 'needy' in a positive way. Think about it. We help 'needy' people, those 'in need', that person is 'needy', this person is 'needy'. Why is it that we take such pride in helping needy people and yet we would never, ever want to classify our own selves as needy? Here's the thing...we're all needy. We all long for something, for someone to connect to and while yes, our needs may not look like those that the world considers lowly, we all have needs and most of the time when you dig deep down to the roots, they're the same. Never think for a minute that you're any different than the homeless man begging on the street corner or the young woman desperately trying to seek shelter in a relationship, because you're not and neither am I. Inside each of us, beats a beautifully vulnerable heart that longs for the exact same thing. The comfort and fulfillment that love brings and the longing for being a part of something bigger than ourselves. 

And you know what I'm finding along the way? I'm realizing more and more that it's ok to be needy, it's ok to need God, it's ok to need people, it's ok to ask for support and guidance. It's ok. Even though we live in a world that screams, begs, and beckons for us to be independent, at our core...we're not meant to be. We were created to long for, created to desire, created to need. And why is that we're so bent on the need to discover ourselves, when the very foundation of what everything we'll ever need is wrapped up in who He is?

So yes, I'm needy and I'm ok with that...and I hope I always am. And little by little, God is showing me not to help people because they're needy, but because they're people.

xoxo, me

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